================================================== v1.0.0 25-Mar-2015 001 First release ================================================== v1.0.1 25-Mar-2015 002 Added this changelog file 003 Added ability to abort the loading of a saved file. 004 Fixed the version numbering to use 3 digits and a build number. 005 Fixed bug that caused error dialog to occasionally appear when starting a new session due to a missing file named "PhysioIDs.txt". 006 Fixed bug that when starting a new session due missing front panel on file named "Auto-scroll progress bar.vi" 007 Changed the order of the default session parameters to SubjectID followed by SessionID. 008 Fixed a bug which caused checkboxes to not appear when selecting signals in the Signal Info dialog. ================================================== v1.0.2 07-May-2015 009 Changed images in installer 010 Changed the text and images in the "new session wizard" to more properly guide users through cable connection process 011 Added active hyperlinks in the "new session wizard" so user can go to website to order required cables 012 Removed "build number" from about window and other locations. Was confusing to non-programmers. 013 Fixed a bug that caused certain parts of MediCollector to fail if the .NET Framework was not installed. The .NET Framework is NOT needed. 014 Numeric signals are actually not 1 Hz, they are 0.9765625 Hz. This correct frequency is now properly displayed to user in the GUI. 015 Fixed various minor bugs in the window where you select which signals you want to display in graph. 016 Fixed some other minor bugs 017 Minor performance enhancements ================================================== v1.0.3 07-May-2015 020 Fixed a minor bug only on WinXP that prevented recording of numerics 021 Fixed a minor bug that occasionally caused Error 2519: Could not load TDMS file component ================================================== v1.0.4 10-May-2015 022 Improved performance and decreased CPU load ================================================== v1.0.5 10-Jul-2015 023 Evaluation time extended from 5 minutes to 10 minutes 024 Minor change to how the system poposed a default timestamp when adding an annotation. If recording, the default is "now" time. If not recording, it defaults to put the annotation in the middle of the currently visible section of data. 025 Fixed bugs related to the "Compound ECG" signal. Sometimes, if a user selected this signal for recording, it would refuse to actually record it. Or it would interfere with the recording of other signals. This is fixed. 026 Opening the signal list window was slow and akward. Performance has been greatly improved in that window. ================================================== v1.0.6 10-Jul-2015 027 Fixed a bug that only occurred on no-US operating systems which caused some waveforms (but not numerics) to always appear flat (zero). ================================================== v1.0.7 29-Oct-2015 028 Fixed bug that occasionally occurred immediately after initiating a recording for some compound signals (like ABP) causing "Error 7 occurred at Open VI Reference in GUI.lvclass". 029 Fixed bug that caused ABP or IBP signals to appear with the same name. Every time you record a BP signal, it should split the signal into three: Systolic, Diastolic and Mean. 030 Various performance improvements. 031 Fixed some minor cosmetic issues in the "Signal List" window. 032 Fixed some cosmetic issues in the statusbar. If your window was really small, the statusbar elements would bunch up on top of each other. ================================================== v1.0.8 20-Nov-2015 033 Fixed bug that sometimes cause unwanted signals to be recorded. E.g. You select only 2 signals to record, but MediCollector actually records 3 signals. 034 Fixed bug that sometimes caused a signal not to appear in VIEW MODE. E.g. You record 3 signals, but can only view 2 of them when you open the recorded file in VIEW MODE. ================================================== v1.0.9 30-Nov-2015 035 Numerous performance and stabilization improvements. 036 Added a custom function for a customer. 037 Added optional ability to "lock timestamp to current time" in the annotation window. If enabled, the time keeps being update to "now". ================================================== v1.0.10 18-DEC-2015 038 Writing more information to log file for debugging purposes. 039 Increased VISA write timeout from 3 sec to 5 sec. 040 Removed flow control. Intellivue device's doesn't use it. ================================================== v1.0.11 06-FEB-2016 041 Fixed bug that only ocurrs if MediCollector ends ungracefully, e.g. if the MediCollector.exe process is killed or crashes. If this happens, subsequent recordings sometimes produces connection errors. Fixed. 042 Added automation intterface which allows you to control MediCollector remotely. ================================================== v1.0.12 07-FEB-2016 043 Fixed cosmetic bug related to how the live data appears on-screen. Sometimes it would appear as if data was still flowing even when it had stopped. ================================================== v1.0.13 20-FEB-2016 044 Fixed a bug in the automation interface, where the folders for the SignalListFile and AutomationLog were not created. ================================================== v1.0.14 03-MAR-2016 045 Rolled back change#041 because it is causing connection issues on some computers. ================================================== v1.0.15 03-MAR-2016 046 Removed flow control again. ================================================== v1.0.16 24-MAR-2016 047 Added more timestamp formatting options when performing an export. ================================================== v1.0.17 24-MAR-2016 048 Fixed bug that occasionally caused error 7 when opening a previously saved file. 049 Improved how incoming waveform packets are processed, in hopes of avoiding Error 5042 which happens when an incomin packet has PhysioId=0. Now, those packets with PhysioID=0 will be ignored. This makes code more fault tolerant. 050 Improved how incoming packets are processed during the gap check. If an incoming packet fails the final gap check, it will no longer generate an error and abort. Instead, the packet will be ignored and recording will continue. ================================================== v1.0.18 12-APR-2016 051 MediCollector will no longer fill gaps before the first datapoint if it requires inserting over 900000 datapoints. This was occasionally causing memory leaks on some machines because it would attempt to insert outrageous amounts of data. Instead, it will just set the signal's Tzero to first timestamp and read the data from the TDMS appropriately. 052 Changed how ElapsedTime is calculated when loading a file. Because each signal now has its own distinct Tzero (see change #51), we now need to calculate ElapsedTime as = MAX(Tfinal) - MIN(Tzero). 053 Changed the default size of the COM port buffer to 63000000 054 The size of the COM port buffer can now be modified via a key in the INI file. This is for debugging purposes. 055 Fixed bugs related to changing ECG lead configuration in mid-recording. This would sometimes cause a memory leak or other errors. 056 Fixed bug that would sometimes cause a signal to be invisible when you load and view a previously saved session. 057 Improved how you view and scroll through a saved file using the timeline at the bottom of the screen. Previously, it was slow and cumbersome. Now it flows much easier. ================================================== v1.0.19 22-APR-2016 058 Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause an "Error 1" in "Get File Size.vi" when MediCollector tried to write to a log file. 059 Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause a signal to appear twice in "Signal Info" dialog. ================================================== v1.0.20 13-MAY-2016 060 Each recording will now keep keep track of the Max and Min value for each signal. The Max and Min will be recorded as a property for each signal in the .medi file. This is useful for future functions and for scaling the graphs, etc. 061 Fixed a bug which caused the "System Timestamp" to not get exported properly. 062 Fixed other bugs in export functions. 063 Added license password capability. ================================================== v1.0.21 06-June-2016 064 Fixed bug that caused all signals to go stale after approx 6 days of continuous recording. This was fixed by resending the trigger string every 24 hours. 065 Modified installer such that it wouldn't ask to disable "fast start" for Win8 or newer. ================================================== v1.0.22 15-June-2016 066 Improved read/write performance. Files will now will load a lot quicker, because they will be less fragmented. 067 Reduced the default size of the window to 1326x768. This should work better for smaller laptops. 068 Changed NI_MinimumBufferSize to be either 1000 or 15000 for all signals. Also increased FlushToDisk time to 5 minutes. 069 Improved scrolling of graphs. Graphs should flow a lot nicer while recording. 070 Process for filtering out bitmasks (fixed values) is more robust. ================================================== v1.0.23 21-June-2016 071 Fixed another bug that causes all signals to go stale after approx 6 days of continuous recording. This one was related to the rollover of RelativeTimeU32. 072 Double-clicking on a .medi file will now open that file within MediCollector (under certain conditions, eg that you haven't already opened the application). ================================================== v1.0.24 27-June-2016 073 Fixed some bugs related to the recording of very rare signals, like PLETHpo. Some signals like this would generate Error 5055 when trying to retrieve scaling info while launching a recording. This would then create another bunch of downstream errors after-the-fact. All of these are fixed. 074 Fixed a bug that would cause Error 5042 if you attempt to change the "label" of a signal on the patient monitor screen (eg click on PLETH and change it to SpO2pr) during a recording. 075 Re-fixed issue #71 which caused all signals to go stale after approx 6 days of continuous recording. ================================================== v1.0.25 28-June-2016 076 First attempt at fixing the bitmasking problems reported for Philips Spirometer module ================================================== v1.0.26 8-July-2016 076 Fixed bug that could cause a memory leak under the rare situtation where a signal goes stale and remains stale for many days, then suddenly becomes active again. This would cause a "not enough memory to perform this operation" error. Fixed. ================================================== v1.0.27 12-July-2016 077 Fixed bug causing the AWP signal (from spirometry module) to appear noisy. ================================================== v1.0.28 12-Nov-2016 078 Upgraded run-time system to LVRTE2016 and NI-VISA to 16.0. 079 Added an option to choose how "Not a Number" will appear in exported files... as either "NaN", empty string, or zeros. 080 Log file has been simplified to reduce clutter 081 Window og main GUI was reduced in size (again) to account for Win10 082 Changed the appearance of the "Preferences" window to avoid overflowing text at the bottom of the window. 083 Trailing zeros will now be removed from exported text files. This reduces the size of the outputted files tremendously. 084 Added command line interface ================================================== v1.0.29 28-Jan-2017 085 Fixed bug which caused some signals to appear empty. The signal would appear in list when starting a recording, but when recording they would always be empty. This was related to the PhysioID being different than expected. ================================================== v1.0.30 3-Feb-2017 086 Fixed an issue which caused the column names in exported text files to have truncated frequencies. For example, 0.9765625 Hz would appear as 0.976562 Hz. 086 Improved functionality of export routines. 087 Added support for exporting to EDF and EDF+ files. 088 When opening a file, MediCollector will now check to confirm MAX and MIN properties are present. If not, it will add them. This is because some really old MEDI files may not have this property. ================================================== v1.0.31 31-Mar-2017 089 Software will now write to log file once an hour, as long data is still being received. 090 Fixed bug that sometimes prevented users from clicking STOP RECORDING button ================================================== v1.0.32 03-Jul-2017 091 Support for GE monitors added 092 Fixed bug that causes various dialog boxes to automatically close if you attempted to maximize the window 093 Added a "Getting Started Guide" 094 Added stronger software protection to prevent over-use of the demo version. ================================================== v1.0.33 05-Jul-2017 095 Fixed bug created by change #094 095 Added GUI for editting license key ================================================== v1.0.34 08-Jul-2017 096 Fixed bug in GE driver that sometimes causes certain signals to not get recorded (gap filling was incorrect) 097 Fixed bug in GE driver that prevented some signals from getting scaled correctly 098 Fix other bugs related to GE device driver ================================================== v1.0.35 10-Jul-2017 to 1.0.39 Various rapid releases for testing GuardLyff integration ================================================== v1.0.40 03-Aug-2017 099 Enabled device synchronization as factory default. It can be turned off in Edit>Preferences. All incoming signals will be kept in-synch with Windows System Clock. If drift is detected, it will be corrected. This is a known issue with Philips devices. 100 Added "offset" ability to GuardLyff device 101 Added ability of GE Device Driver to detect when the cable is disconnected 102 Fixed various bugs and stability issues in GE Device Driver 103 Fixed bug which prevent user from recording two signals from same vuelink module on a Philips Intellivue device 104 Added a pause button which will freeze the graph during recording (can also press F1 to pause) ================================================== v1.0.41 06-Aug-2017 105 Bug fix for GE when checking serial lines (DSR, DCD, CTS) ================================================== v1.0.42 07-Aug-2017 106 Fixed bug which caused a debugging window to accidentally appear when running GE Device Driver 107 Fixed bug which caused GE Device Driver to disconnect (Error 5325) if the user selected only 0.2 Hz signals ================================================== v1.0.43 12-Aug-2017 108 Increased timeout for triggering connection loss with a GE device (from 6 to 12 seconds). This should prevent error 5319 from accidentally ocurring. 109 Increased length of time to prevent trigger an error when querying signal list from Intellivue devices ================================================== v1.0.44 21-Aug-2017 110 Added ability to record 3 additional signals from GuardLyff device 111 Change#109 in previous release did not fix timeout bug when querying signal list from Intellivues. This is another attempt. ================================================== v1.0.45 21-Aug-2017 112 Fixed bug which prevented user from recording additional 3 signals from GuardLyff device if user chose to record while Philips was running ================================================== v1.0.46 02-Sep-2017 113 Added TCP streaming interface ================================================== v1.0.47 10-Sep-2017 114 Added a temporary licensing function for Sensifree ================================================== v1.0.48 11-Sep-2017 115 Improved performance of code when querying Philips monitors for a signal list. On systems with tons of signals, it appears to be overflowing the RS232 buffer before the code and process all the incoming data. ================================================== v1.0.49 12-Sep-2017 116 GE Device Driver: Changed the timout mechanism when querying the signal list. I suspect it was occasionally timing out when customer has a long signal list. ================================================== v1.0.50 30-Oct-2017 117 GuardLyff Device Driver: Changed code to allow Medicollector to detect signal configuration based on content of signals. ================================================== v1.0.51 31-Oct-2017 118 GuardLyff Device Driver: Fixed an obvious bug in this driver, which was a result of change #117. ================================================== v1.0.52 03-Nov-2017 119 Fixed a cosmetic bug which ocurred when you launch an export process, it would show an odd "please wait" dialog. This is fixed. 120 If you open a .medi file which was recorded in a different time zone, the signal timestamps would be offset. This bug is fixed. All medicollector files will store the UTC offset and adjust accordingly. ================================================== v1.0.53 07-Nov-2017 121 When launching a new recording and user is in middle of the "retrieving signal list" process, the user can now hit CANCEL and they'll still be presented with partial list of signals (rather than being kicked back and prevented from continuing). ================================================== v1.0.54 27-Nov-2017 122 Minor improvements and bug fixes. 123 Improvements to robustness and activity logging in GuardLyff Device Driver in hopes of preventing Error 5328. ================================================== v1.0.55 27-Nov-2017 124 Fixed an issue in the GuardLyff Device Driver which caused Error 5328 because the BT dongle sends "Scan started" across serial line. ================================================== v1.0.56 28-Nov-2017 125 Improved robustness of GuardLyff Device Driver. It will now send 2 BrKs whenever the COM port is opened. And it will ignore data from GuardLyff that is "garbage". ================================================== v1.0.57 29-Nov-2017 126 GuardLyff Driver: Will no longer send 2 breaks when COM port is opened 127 GuardLyff Driver: Will now wait for 10 rows of data (instead of 5) before parsing the signal configuration 128 GuardLyff Driver: Added a pause before launching the Philips Device Driver. This was required because the new FW has a long delay before data starts flowing. 129 GuardLyff Driver: I added some duplicate packet filtering to happen BEFORE packets are timestamped. This prevents the first garbage packet from triggering the Tzero time. ================================================== v1.0.58 08-Dec-2017 130 GuardLyff Driver: MediCollector will now wait until datapoints from GuardLyff start streaming before launching the Philips Device Driver. 131 Bug fixed in GuardLyff driver whereby the first buffer (3 sec) of GuardLyff data were discarded therbey causing a sync/alignment issue. 132 Added the ParseSignalsAsRaw? key to the GUARDLYFF section of the INI. If enabled, it will recored all Guardlyff signals in raw form. ================================================== v1.0.59 08-Dec-2017 133 The GuardLyff driver will now wait an additional 8 seconds after datapoints start arriving, in order to give the device time to "speed up" ================================================== v1.0.60 11-Dec-2017 134 Fixed bug in preferences window that prevented some items from displaying properly. ================================================== v1.0.61 20-Dec-2017 135 Fixed tiny bug which could potentially cause the wrong error code to appear during a command line call to MediCollector ================================================== v1.0.62 11-Jan-2018 136 Users can now specify how they want NaN to appear in exported EDF files ================================================== v1.0.63 15-Jan-2018 137 Fixed some bugs which caused the default annotation time to appear wrong 138 Added ability for users to add an annotation exactly where they clicked on the graph 139 Added ability to add instant annotations using F5 140 If a user exports data to a text file (not an EDF), the user can now choose how the annotations get exported: as either a separate file, or as the last column in the text file. ================================================== v1.0.64 17-Jan-2018 141 On some installations, MediCollector is unable to locate generateComputerId.exe. The method is now more robust. ================================================== v1.0.65 19-Jan-2018 142 Fixed a couple minor bugs related to the fixed licensing system ================================================== v1.0.66 23-Jan-2018 142 Fixed more issues and added lots of logging to the licensing system ================================================== v1.0.67 24-Jan-2018 143 Added some additional logging to the TCP server to help debug potential disconnect issues. 144 Increased TCP write timeout from 1 msec to 10 msec ================================================== v1.0.68 5-Feb-2018 145 Added custom function for LiveMetric (ScrollLockToLiveMetric) ================================================== v1.0.69 8-Feb-2018 146 GE Device Driver: Added more detailed logging information in hopes of fixing minor bug related RESP signals not being recorded ================================================== v1.0.70 24-May-2018 147 Fixed some minor bugs in step 6 of the new session wizard where user selects a serial (COM) port. Refreshing the list would sometimes generate an error. And some other cosmetic bugs. 148 Added ability to reload session parameters from the previous recording. 149 New device driver added for LiveMetric BLE wristband. ================================================== v1.0.71 27-May-2018 147 Improved performance and stability of LiveMetric BLE device driver 148 Added ability to run LiveMetric BLE device driver simultaneously with Philips Intellivue 149 Added better vizualization to the LiveMetric debugging window ================================================== v1.0.72 30-May-2018 150 Improved usability in LiveMetric BLE driver when selecting a wristband 151 Fixed a performance issue caused by setting Intellivue.RecordRelativeTimeAsSignal = TRUE ================================================== v1.0.73 12-June-2018 152 Fixed bug which caused dongles to get improperly read (slightly incorrect licensing of which device drivers get enabled) 153 Previous installer did not install a program shortcut in PROGRAMS 154 The text in the preferences window was incorrect for the synchronization tab ================================================== v1.0.74 13-June-2018 155 Fixed a bug that occurs when user chooses to record ONLY the compound ECG on a Philips Intellivue device. In rare cases, this would cause Error 7 in "Set # of visible graphs.vi" 156 Added a "please wait" dialog box while recording waits for 1st datapoint ================================================== v1.0.75 27-June-2018 157 Fixed some minor issues with the lag correction algorithm. Lag will now get corrected in Philips datastreams, as expected, approx every 39 minutes. 158 Fixed a cosmetic bug which re-appeared (see previous issue#154) which caused the wrong text to appear in the preferences window (sychronization tab) 159 Occasionally, if user clicked NEXT really fast in the NEW SESSION window, it would generate an error. This is fixed. 160 Added code which improves how dynamically added signals get named. In a rare case, the dynamically added signal could have same name as an existing signal which would cause the signal to record with the same channel name. To solve this, I append the component name (eg "ART (SYS)" to the name), and also enforce name uniqueness when adding a signal dynamically. ================================================== v1.0.76 02-July-2018 161 When disconnecting from a Philips device, system will now wait for a "release response" or timeout of 3 seconds (whichever comes first). 162 Fixed persistent bug which would (rarely) cause MediCollector to record ONLY a compound ECG waveform. All other waveforms would product NO DATA. This is now fixed. It was caused by ungracefully disconnecting from the patient monitor. 163 Fixed bug where the ABORT button in the "waiting for data" dialog did not actually abort a recording. ================================================== v1.0.77 18-July-2018 164 Fixed a bug introduced in change #152 (v1.0.73) which caused some licenses to be improperly read. This is fixed now. ================================================== v1.0.78 06-Aug-2018 165 Philips Intellivue Device Driver: Fixed a bug which caused a "RS232 buffer overflow". One customer was reporting errors that were being caused by a "fake" rollover of RelativeTime. The RelativeTime counter was occasionally being read as ZERO and then jumping back to where it was before. This not only caused a rollover, but it caused the software to try to dump huge amounts of data to disk. To fix this, we move the rollover detector inside the loop. ================================================== v1.0.79 10-Aug-2018 166 Fixed a bug in the licensing code which caused some dongles to activate the wrong device drivers. It only affect dongles. And it only appeared in recent versions of the software (not older versions). Fixed. 167 Added ability to send email notifications when an error occurs. ================================================== v1.0.80 10-Sep-2018 168 Fixed minor cosmetic bug which caused the "Cancel Email Notification" button to appear out of place in the Error window. It will now appear in the correct place. 169 Philips Device Driver: Fixed issue which caused incorrect scaling when user clicks "Size Up" or "Size Down" on patient monitor screen. Now, scaling will update dynamically. 170 Philips Device Driver: Added more robustness to the disconnect process to prevent Bug #162 from re-ocurring (where only Compound ECG waveform gets recorded). ================================================== v1.0.81 13-Sep-2018 171 Philips Device Driver: Fixed issue popped up in previous release 1.0.81 which caused Error# 5007 (The internal RS232 buffer has overflowed). This error was different from previous "VISA overrun" error. As it turns out, adding change#169 in 1.0.80 caused a performance hit which would occasionally slow down MediCollector enough to cause the internal buffers to overflow. Implemented numeorus performance improvements to prevent this. This shouldn't happen anymore! 172 Changed the automation interface such that if PathToDataFile is empty, MediCollector will now auto-generate a filename based on the session parameters. ================================================== v1.0.82 20-Sep-2018 173 GE Device Driver: Improved timing of GE signals to prevent so many gaps appearing in signals 174 Philips Device Driver: Fixed a bug which would sometimes cause a memory overflow. This is likely caused because we are receiving a RelativeTime from the patient monitor which is ZERO which is improperly triggering a "rollover" of the counter which causes tons of data to get dumped to disk. We will now ignore packets with ZERO relativetime. This should hopefully fix this bug for good. ================================================== v1.0.83 18-Oct-2018 173 Cosmetic improvement: Added code which prevents the live graph from sometimes showing a tiny gap while system waits for next point. This was done by Added code for duplicating last point in the Trim Waveform.vi. 174 MediCollector will no longer create a "LabVIEW Data" folder in the user's My Documents folder. This was done by specifying a nonexistant data directory in the default .ini file. 175 Performance upgrade: Upgraded codebase to LV2018 to improve performance. 176 Performance upgrade: The entire codebase will now run at priority=normal to avoid thread starvation. 177 Philips Device Driver: Added routine for forcing old connections to disconnect when launching a new recording. This may help prevent Bug #162 from re-ocurring (where only Compound ECG waveform gets recorded). 178 Fixed bug which caused email notifications to fail. 179 GE Device Driver: Fixed bug which would cause the list of available signals to show duplicates if the user re-queried the patient monitor. 180 Per customer request, we have added "SignalsToDisplay" to the automation system. So when auto-launching, you can now specify which signals you want to display. 181 Fixed a bug which sometimes caused pop-up windows to immediately close after opening. 182 Previously, email notifications were not sent while using automation mode. This is fixed. 183 Improved gap detection algorithm such that it will now trim incoming packets that overlap previous ones, instead of just throwing away the entire packet. 179 GE Device Driver: Added waveform syncronization and drift correction algorithm which will keep waveforms in-sync with each other AND in-sync with the Windows system clock 181 Added ability to run the LiveMetric BLE and GE Device drivers simultaneously. 182 The executable and installer are now signed. This will prevent Windows from warning the user of an "Unknown Publisher" when running the installer. 183 MediCollector will no longer throw an error if a mouse is not connected. ================================================== v1.0.84 19-Oct-2018 184 Improvements to the installation process. User only need to download a single file now. And both the single file installer (a WinRAR SFX), the underlying installer (setup.exe), and the underlying application (MediCollector.exe) are code signed with our company certificate. ================================================== v1.1.0 27-Nov-2018 185 The "VISA Overrun error" has finally been conquered. This error would occasionally happen (rarely) on PCs with slow/weak processors. Instead of triggering an error and stopping recording, these overrun errors will now be ignored (no error window, recording immediately continues). This results in a tiny amount of dataloss (about 2 seconds) every time this error ocurrs. But since these errors are rare, and only on certain machines, this amount of dataloss is considered acceptable. 186 Added FAULT TOLERANCE (must be enabled in EDIT>PREFERENCES). This means that the software can recover from certain errors and continue recording. Go to EDIT>PREFERENCES for more info. 187 All preferences and custom configuration keys moved from MEDICOLLECTOR.INI to SETTINGS.INI. This was done to allow the function below (change #188 below) 188 Updating the MediCollector software will no longer reset all your preferences and stored settings and fixed licenses. So now you can update your software without blitzing your preferences. 189 GE Device Driver: Improved GE syncronization and timing, including better drift correction for numerics. 191 Philips Device Driver: The lag/drift correction algorithm for Philips devices has been changed to account for both FORWARD and BACKWARD drift. 192 The user interface will now remember which signals you "prefer" to view when recording signals. There is a limitation of viewing only 10 signals at a time. And previously, those 10 signals were somewhat randomly chosen. Now the software will remember which signals you are interested in viewing, and pre-select those during launch. ================================================== v1.1.1 16-Jan-2019 193 Philips Device Driver: The process of retrieving the signal list has been improved and is a lot quicker, particularly for patient monitors with lots of modules and signals. The process will go much quicker when you have lots of signals to retrieve. 194 Users can now choose to RECORD and/or STREAM data. Previously, a user was always forced to record data. And streaming was optional. Now both are optional. But you need to choose at least 1 in order to proceed. 195 Per the change above (change#194), the automation interface can also choose to RECORD and/or STREAM data. ================================================== v1.1.2 29-Jan-2019 196 The name of the application and its program folder have been changed to "MediCollector BEDSIDE" instead of just "MediCollector". This will help differentiate from the other versions of the product which are soon launching. 197 Fixed bug which prevent you from turning OFF the auto-naming feature in the preferences window. 198 Fixed bug which sometimes caused the incoming data (from a Philips patient monitor= to contain frequent and repetitive empty chunks of data. 199 Fixed bug which caused the values of some waveform signals (in Philips patient monitors) to be totally wrong. The shape of the waveform was correct. But the values were incorrectly scaled. Only ocurred in v1.1.1 and only for certain recordings. This bug was due to the incorrect retrieval of scaling information. ================================================== v1.1.3 29-Jan-2019 200 Second attempt at fixing bug which sometimes caused scaled waveform values to be wrong (bad scaling). See change #199 above. ================================================== v1.1.4 30-Jan-2019 201 Third attempt at fixing bug which sometimes causes scaled waveform values to be wrong (bad scaling). See change #199 above. ================================================== v1.1.5 15-Feb-2019 202 Added file splitting. MediCollector now has the ability to split files at midnight every night. 203 Changed underlying architecture in "New Session Window" and the settings.ini file in order to accomodate upcoming release of new products. 204 Fixed bug which would sometimes create a new log file when it wasn't necessary. This could cause the build up of unnecessary small log files in the log folder. 205 Added ability to check for software updates from within MediCollector (HELP>CHECK FOR UPDATES). 206 Added ability for MediCollector to automatically check for updates at regular intervals (currently once per week, and only while NOT recording). This is done in a very non-annoying way. Users will get one question to opt-in to this automatic ability. If users ignore the question or turn it off, they won't ever be reminded. ================================================== v1.1.6 15-Feb-2019 207 Fixed a small bug which could potentially cause a memory leak if the Signal Info dialog is left open for long periods of time. ================================================== v1.1.7 12-Apr-2019 208 Fixed a bug which generated an error if the computer had a USB license dongle from another another vendor (i.e. if a non-MediCollector dongle was detected). 209 Converted entire architecture to 64 bit. This means you can no longer use MediCollector on old 32bit machines. 210 The UTC_offset field in the TDMS file will no longer take into account DST. It is now only the geographic offset. And we added a DST field to the TDMS file to say whether machine was in summer time when the file was created. This makes things a lot easier because LabVIEW will automatically adjust the displayed time for local DST offset. 211 First release of new product: MediCollector SERVICE ================================================== v1.1.8 02-May-2019 212 Service: Installer will now set the default Windows recovery mode for the service to always "Restart after 1 minute" (previously it was "Take no action"). 213 Licensing: Various improvements to licensing routines in order to prevent issues caused when two running applications (eg MediCollector SERVICE & MediCollector BEDSIDE) wich could read from same dongle simultaneously. 214 General: The log files will now have 3 columns (instead of 2). We added a column with the "application name" to distinguish between messages from the numerous MediCollector application, such as "MediCollector BEDSIDE" and "Medicollector Service Manager" etc. 215 General: Command Line functionality split out into a separate product called MediCollector CLI. 216 General: Command Line functionality improvements to make it quicker and more stable. ================================================== v1.1.9 06-May-2019 217 Philips Device Driver: Fixed a bug which occasionally causes "Error 5024 .... Remote Operation Error received from patient monitor. PROCESSING_FAILURE...". This error could occur on patient monitors that had 2 data export clients. ================================================== v1.1.10 16-May-2019 218 Service: Improved the GUI and usability of the Service Manager. Log files will now show icons. 219 Service: Service will no longer attempt to restart itself after a license timeout. It will simply stop. 220 General: Improved how GUI functions when selecting signals in the "New Session Wizard". Its a bit easier to select multiple signals now. 221 Licensing: Improvements to licensing system. Service Manager will never timeout, etc. ================================================== v1.1.11 24-June-2019 222 General: Fixed bug in functions that check for updates over internet. Would often fail to detect a new available update. 223 General: Added device driver for GE Solar/Dash/Unity devices 224 General: Fixed a nuisance bug that appeared when you selected signals for recording. When you tried to click on scroll-bar to scroll through list of available signals, it wouldn't scroll. This is fixed. 225 Philips Device Driver: Fixed bug whiched sometimes cause some Compound ECG signals to pop up with numeric names like "0164" etc. This was fixed by adding 8 new lead configurations to PhysioIds.txt. 226 Licensing: Fixed a bug which prevented a MediCollector CLI license dongle from functioning properly if you run a command line in a MediCollector BEDSIDE installation instance. This sounds confusing, but you can now use a CLI license to run a command line in BEDSIDE instance. This is useful for customers who are in testing phase. ================================================== v1.1.12 21-Oct-2019 227 Service: Fixed a bug which generated Error 7011 or Error 7013 when launching the service. This bug would only occur when certain signals were selected (such as compound signals like CVP or ABP numerics). 228 Service: Improved robustness of how the system selected signals when the service was launched. PReviously, if chosen signals were not found, the service would fail to start, or would start and never record the missing signals. Now, the service will always start and will still initialize signals even if they can't be found on device. 229 Licensing: Fixed a bug which caused MediCollector to hang when a license timeout occurs (i.e. after 10 mins in demo mode) but only if the New Session Window was visible AND currently in Step 6. 230 General: Fixed a cosmetic bug which prevent user from hitting CONTROL-A to select all signals when configuring a session. ================================================== v1.1.13 08-Nov-2019 231 General: Added HL7 support for TCP streaming out to external systems, such as EMR and HIS systems. 232 Licensing: When evaluation mode times out, the text that appears is now more informative and explains how to make a purchase, and includes a link to the ordering page on our website. 233 Installer: The installers will now show the NI EULA, as requested by NI. ================================================== v1.1.14 13-Nov-2019 234 General: Fixed issue in PDF documentation which caused all hyperlinks to be removed. 235 General: Added some helpful text to the New Session Wizard about required cabling with links to website. ================================================== v1.1.15 21-Nov-2019 236 General: Fixed a cosmetic bug in the dialog box that appears when the user checks for software updates (HELP>CHECK FOR UPDATES NOW). If the code was unable to check the Internet for an update, for whatever reason, the dialog box just closed without informing the user. Now the code will tell the user it was unable to check. 237 Installer: Added a sample datafile to the installer, so that new users can immediately open an old file and play with it. 238 General: Fixed bug in GUI when viewing signals: If you loaded a datafile for viewing, and you right-click on the graph and deselect "Autoscale Y-axes" (e.g. turn OFF auto-scaling of the Y-axes) and then change a Y-axis limit (eg change the Y-max for a graph), the Y-axis limit would not be remembered if you scrolled the graph in the x-direction. This is now fixed. 239 Service: Fixed a bug in the MediCollector Service Manager which caused odd GUI beahviour when clicking on folders that can't be opened. Also fixed other GUI issues which causes wrong icon to appear on folders. 240 General: Added ability for user to click on annotation markers on timeline and select VIEW ANNOTATION or VIEW ALL ANNOTATIONS (NOTE: annotations appear as small white boxes near the bottom of the graph) 241 General: When an error dialog appears, it sometimes includes a link to our ordering page (depending on the error code). That link appeared out of alignment sometimes. This is fixed. 242 General: Performance improvements when viewing signals in the GUI, particularly for when viewing large files >= 1GB. 243 General: Fixed a bug in export process which could cause error 5323 ocurr when exporting ECG data from a GE Patient Monitor. ================================================== v1.1.16 22-Nov-2019 244 Service: Fixed a bug that would cause the IP and PROTOCOL to be incorrectly saved/loaded when configuring the service. ================================================== v1.1.17 09-Dec-2019 245 HL7: Many HL7 improvements, particularly to the GUIs for monitoring and control of HL7 activity. These improvement are in both BEDSIDE and SERVICE versions of the product. 246 GE S/5: Name of device driver for "GE Patient Monitors" changed to "GE S/5 Series" to match documentation and website and to better align with names of other device drivers. This should more clearly differentiate between the other GE driver for Dash/Solar device, too. This change should not affect any previous automation systems (eg it is backward compatible, so if you enter "GE" or "GE Patient Monitors" in settings.ini it will still launch the correct device driver. 247 General: The wizard for launching new sessions will now load quicker. It was previously a bit slow to load and display. 248 General: Some minor performance enhancements. ================================================== v1.1.18 11-Dec-2019 249: GE S/5: Fixed a bug in GE S/5 device driver which would sometimes cause a 25 Hz signal to not be acquired. When this happened, it would fill the log with warnings of "A packet for signal XYZ appears corrupt. Even after filling gaps, there is still missing data in the packet ... ". This bug is fixed. 250: HL7: Performance improvements to GUIs which monitor HL7 activity. System will no longer hang if you have a very large amount of files in the HL7 Disk Cache. 251: Service: Performance improvements to the Service Manager. It is more responsive, etc. 252: HL7: Added ability to test the connection to the specified IP/Port from the New Session Wizard. Makes it easy for user to quickly test if they can establish a TCP connection. ================================================== v1.1.19 02-Jan-2020 253: HL7: Fixed bug in how we calculate the number of "ACK'd HL7 messages in previous hour" 254: HL7: Datapoints will now be sent every 30 seconds, instead of every second, thereby drastically reducing the number of outgoing messages. 255: General: GUI improvements to HL7 monitoring and control. 256: Licensing: Will read and respond to dongle insertions more quickly. 257: Service: The installer for the MediCollector SERVICE did not properly register datafiles with .medi extension. This meant that the files did not have correct icon and user couldn't double-click on them. This is fixed. ================================================== v1.1.20 16-Jan-2020 258: HL7 Added HL7 coding nomenclature for Medical Device Interface Language (MDIL). This means that all signals in outgoing HL7 messages will be identified using MDIL codes in the OBR segment. 259: HL7 All OBR segments will not be followed by an NTE segment containing descriptive text about the vital sign being measured. For example, if we are sending an OBR segment for an SpO2 measurement, it will be followed by an NTE segment with text such as "Oxygen saturation" 260: GE S/5 Changes to signal list filtering to accomodate changes in DRI_LEVEL. E.g. The SVO2 signals will now present with correct signal names depending on DRI_LEVEL and also depending on which type of oximiter is configured. 261: GE SOLAR Fixed bug related to IBP measurements which prevented CPP and WEDGE numerics from properly appearing, depending on if those signals were present on the monitor. 262: Simulator Changed the Simulated Device to make it more realistic and make it more useful for testing HL7 interfaces. To do this, we removed the "Simulated Random" and "Simulated Counter" signals, and replaced them with "Simulated HR" and "Simulated SpO2" signals. This makes the simualtor more useful for testing the HL7 interface. ================================================== v1.1.21 27-Feb-2020 263: Licensing MediColler now marks recorded .medi files to indicate if they were recorded with a licensed copy of the software or not. This will be useful for technical support and for future software functionalities. 264: GE S/5 Fixed another issue which caused Bug #249 to resurface. RESP signals should now always get recorded. Bug was related to the timing of 25 Hz signals in GE devices only, and bug would only cause 25 Hz signals to not get recorded. Bug is fixed. 265: GE S/5 Improved syncrhonization of waveforms. Previously, GE waveforms could drift out of sync with each other by ~50 msec (when recorded over long periods of time). Syncronization is now closer to 1 sample period. 265: GE S/5 When attempting to connect to a GE patient monitor, users would occasionally receive "Error 5319: Timed out while attempting to establish connection to GE device." even though they were physically connected to the GE device. The code has been improved to prevent this from hapenning. 266: General All device drivers will now be quicker and more robust at responding to disconnections, particularly when using a Serial-to-Ethernet converters. 267: GUI The labels and scales on the graphs are prettier now, e.g. plot names won't get truncated and font sizes are better. 268: GE SOLAR The "Temp_Delta" signals retrieved from GE SOLAR devices were processed incorrectly. Values were off by factor of 10 (e.g. they were recorded as 8C instead of 0.8C). This bug is fixed. 269: General Internal architecture changes in preparation for upcoming MediCollector CENTRAL product. 270: General Fixed bug which would cause an error when a user tried to edit or delete an annotation that was recently created. 271: General Released the MediCollector File Export Utility ================================================== v1.1.22 01-June-2020 272: General Updated National Instruments run-times and drivers to v2020. 273: CLI The command line interface is now available in the MediCollector SERVICE version of our product. Previously, it was only available in the BEDSIDE and CLI versions. 274: CLI Added an optional parameter to the command line interface called /TESTONLY. If the /TESTONLY parameter is present, data will not be retrieved from the device. Instead, the command line will only check to confirm if the specified device is detected on the specified port. If it isn't detected, an error message will be returned. 275: Streaming When using TCP streaming, MediCollector will now send a "Status" signal every 5 seconds. This signal will inform clients about the connection status of the source medical device. While connected, the status will be "OK". If disconnected, this signal will contain an error string. 276: General Documentation for the command line interface and the TCP streaming interface has been updated to reflect the changes described above. 277: Streaming Updated the Matlab and LabVIEW example files found in the "streaming" folder to reflect the new "status" signal described in change #275 above, and also made the code more efficient and robust. ================================================== v1.1.23 06-Aug-2020 278: Service MediCollector SERVICE will now shut itself down if available disk-space falls below 0.2 GB. And it will refuse to launch if < 0.2 GB. 279: GE S/5 Removed a feature (Change #265 from v1.1.21) which would occasionally insert NaNs into waveforms from GE patient monitors. This feature was added in Change #265 (v1.1.21) in an attempt to improve synchronization amongst incoming GE waveforms. However, it did this by inserting NaNs into the signal which was probably a solution that was worse than the original problem. Therefore, this change has been deprecated. 280: General When a new signal was received, MediCollector would attempt to pre-pend NaNs to the start of the signal if (and only if) the first datapoint for that signal was > Tzero. This was unnecessary and problematic (could lead to an error) because in rare cases, the time to Tzero might not be an even multiple of the sampling frequency (which means you can't insert an evem number of samples). Therefore, this feature has been disabled. The first datapoint will now always be the first datapoint received from the device and we won't prepend any NaNs to the first datapoint. ================================================== v1.1.24 13-Aug-2020 281: General Fixed an issue which could cause MediCollector (all editions) to crash suddenly due to an access violation at 0xC0000005, usually during launch, and only on certain versions of Windows. ================================================== v1.1.25 13-Sep-2020 282: General Related to the Change#281 above, there were other cases where MediCollector could crash inexplicably (related to the opening of Application References explicity). This fix corrects these issues. 283: Licensing The ComputerId was sometimes not retrieved properly. This was non-critical because it could always grab a MAC address, which works just as well. 284: Licensing Improved the code for reading/writing a fixed software activation key to make it more difficult to crack. ================================================== v1.1.26 27-Sep-2020 285: General Fixed a bug that would cause MediCollector to incorrectly read Tzero from a saved .medi file if the local computer was in a different state of "daylight savings" from the state when the file was created. 286: General Fixed a potential hang in MediCollector CLI and MediCollector SERVICE products. These products could sometimes hang when launching or exiting (related to change #281 and #282), but only in odd cases such as when user is heavily clicking in other Windows such as Chrome and CPU is very busy. Fixed. ================================================== v1.1.27 12-Nov-2020 287: General Renewed MediCollector's code signing certificates. All executables and installers will use this new certificate. Users should not even notice this. 288: General Upgraded NI components (Dev to 2020f2, Run-Time to 2020f1). 289: General Added architecture and builds for new product (CENTRAL) and underlying components (ENGINE) 290: Export Added ability to export timestamps to text files in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S). This is now the default choice when exporting. ================================================== v1.1.28 03-Jan-2021 291: Installer Installer size has been reduced. 292: CLI When running a command line with ShowDialog=FALSE, the splash screen could still sometimes flash on-screen for a split second before disappearing. This has been fixed. 293: CLI When running a command line, MediCollector would check available disk space and show a dialog box if disk space was low (even when ShowDialog=FALSE). This should not happen in the CLI version of the product. MediCollector will no longger check disk space at all if running as command line. This is fixed. 294: CLI Command lines will execute a bit faster. 295: Philips Bandwidth consumption improvements. In previous versions, if you selected too many waveforms, the patient monitor would generate so much data that it would overload the bandwidth of the serial data transfer and therefore cause gaps to appear in the data received by MediCollector. This will no longer happen. Bandwidth consumption is improved, thereby allowing users to select up to the maximum allowed number of waveforms without seeing gaps. Max allowed waveforms as defined by manufacturer (Philips) is = 3x 500 Hz ECGs, plus the compound (3x) 250 Hz ECG, and up to 8 non-ECG waveforms. 296: Philips The Tblood waveform from the Cardiac Output (CO) module can now be recorded at 62.5 Hz. 297: GUI When launching a session and selecting signals, the signal count (e.g. "4 of 8 signals selected") did not always update. Minor cosmetic bug. This is fixed. 298: Service Fixed a minor cosmetic bug in the Service Manager application. When a user is viewing the log, and scrolled all the way down, it should auto-scroll to always show the last entry in the log. This failed to work sometimes. Fixed. ================================================== v1.1.29 14-Feb-2021 299: General National Instruments run-time components upgraded to 2020 SP1. 300: Draeger Draeger Infinity device driver released. 301: Philips A bug was introduced in previous version (in v1.1.28 due to change #295) related to bandwidth improvements. This bug would sometimes prevent a user from recording numeric signals. Fixed. 302: Philips New and improved bandwidth restrictions for Philips devices. Users can now only select two ECG waveforms (any two). This is due to device limitations which were previously undiscovered. Most users won't notice it because they never get anywhere close to the bandwidth limits. NOTE: If these bandwidth restrictions weren't implemented and a user selected too many signals, it would overload the Philips device and the resulting data would have lots of gaps in it. 303: Philips Due to bandwidth improvements, changes were required in the code which stores scaling and fixed values to make it more efficient. Scaling info from waveforms is now updated once per second (one waveform updated per second) in a rolling fashion. ================================================== v1.1.30 21-May-2021 304: General Various code improvements to reduce risk for memory leaks (related to release of VI References). 305: General When exporting to EDF or EDF+, user can now choose to export annotations to a separate text file, if desired. 306: GUI For devices with limited bandwidth (eg devices which only allow you to select a limited number of signals), such as Philips Intallivue and Philips Avalon and GE S/5 Series, MediCollector will now show you "percent bandwith consumed" when selecting signals. 307: GUI Fixed bug which prevented auto-scaling of signals when scrolling through and viewing data. 308: Philips More changes to bandwidth restrictions for Philips Intellivue devices. In previous changes (eg #295 and #303), we were overly restrictive. Users can now select more signals on Philips devices, such as selecting all ECGs and up to 5 non-ECGs. 309: Philips Fixed an issue which could cause signals from Philips VueLink modules to sometimes get corrupted. This only ocurred when the Philips device was producing more than one waveform from a VueLink device. 310: Philips Fixed an issue which could cause some waveforms to NOT appear in the list of available signals. This only ocurred in the rare circumstance where a Philips patient monitor has VERY VERY MANY measurement modules. It occured because of the internal prioritization of signals within the device. Fixed. MediCollector will show ALL available waveform signals now, even when the Philips monitor has lots of modules in the rack. Only downside is that the process for querying the list of signals has become slower because of this change. 311: LiveMetric Added LiveMetric 2.0 device driver. ================================================== v1.1.31 09-July-2021 312: General Export process improved. Exporting to TXT and EDF will be quicker. 313: General When configuring email notifications, a bug would sometimes cause the saved password to the SMTP server to get corrupted. This is fixed. 314: CLI Code improvements to ensure file references are released before exit. 315: CLI Code improvements to the shutdown functions (e.g. writing of exit code) in order to prevent potential hang/freezing of the command line upon exit. 316: Philips Fixed a bug which only ocurred when acquiring data from a Philips Avalon FM device. The bug would sometimes cause the acquired data to have many short gaps of NaN values. Fixed. 317: Licensing Changes to licensing system to accomodate future product enhancements (e.g. ability to license multiple copies of a device driver). Current users will not notice these changes. ================================================== v1.1.32 06-Oct-2021 318: GUI Cosmetic changes to make windows open/close in a prettier way. 319: CLI Fixed a bug in the CLI product. When executing a command line without showing a dialog (with the /nodialog parameter), MediCollector will no longer steal focus. This means it can better run in invisibly in the background. Fixed. 320: General When streaming data to external applications, the TCP Write timeout has been increased to 100 msec. 321: Philips Fixed a bug (when acquiring data from Philips devices) which would cause a ~1 second loss of data every 6 days of active continuous recording due to an internal timestamp rollover. 322: GE S/5 GE S/5 devices are now able to detect which anesthesia agent is being used. If the anestheseia agent is detected successfully, the values from etAA and fiAA signals will be duplicated into separate signals named after the agent type: etHAL,etENF,etISO,etDES,etSEV,fiHAL,fiENF,fiISO,fiDES,fiSEV. If NO anethesia agent is detected (type=NONE), the values will be duplicated into etNONE and fiNONE. If an UNKNOWN anesthesia agent is detected, no additional signals will be duplicated. For backward compatibility, etAA and fiAA will continue remain present. As an example, if the type of anethesia agent is Desflurane, MediCollector will produce etAA, fiAA, etDES, fiDES signals, and etAA=fiDES and fiAA=fiDES. 323: Service Fixed a bug in the MediCollector SERVICE which would cause the Service Manager to react oddly when user changes the location of the Data Directory using EDIT>PREFERENCES. 324: Central Beta version of called MediCollector CENTRAL product released. Not available for public yet. 325: Central When shutting down a device, the shutdown sequence will be quicker therefore it shouldn't timeout. Applies only to CENTRAL product. 326: Central The CENTRAL product will now use .NET instead of systemexec to check which processes are running. This is quicker than using tasklist. 327: Central The CENTRAL product will now be able to use licenses to activate more than one device driver. 328: Service The MediCollector Service Manager will now update the content of the Data Files tab at regular intervals. Previously, the user was forced to refresh manually. ================================================== v1.1.33 08-Oct-2021 329: Licensing Fixed a bug which could potentially cause our products to fail to recognize a license dongle that is present and plugged in. This could lead to a recording to inexplicably stop in mid-session (because it thinks the dongle was removed) with one of these errors: 5358, 5359, 5381, or 5396. Although we are unable to replicate these errors, we found a bug could cause this issue, and it is fixed. ================================================== v1.1.34 09-Feb-2022 330: Licensing Improvements to licensing system to prevent USB dongle conflicts 331: Licensing Improvements to licensing system to prevent piracy 332: Licensing Added ability to right-click on a license dongle and view its properties 333: GUI Fixed a cosmetic bug which would cause signals to scroll in a very "choppy" manner if the user has selected only slow signals, such as 1 Hz or 0.2 Hz signals. 334: GUI Fixed a minor user interface bug. When a user had email notifications enabled in an evaluation version of our products, the "cancel email notification" button would be disabled when the error dialog appeared. This is fixed. 335: Service Minor user-interface improvement to how the log file is filtered. If you have selected a row and apply a filter, it will now remember which row you selected to make log and error debugging much easier. 336: General Messages written to log will now be more legible. The source of the error is now appended to the end of the message, instead of the beginning. So a typical error message will now appear as "Error 5380. Disk space is too low (< 100 MB). MediCollector will shut down. This warning ocurred at: Dialogs.lvlib:New session window.vi" ... instead of "Error 5380 occurred at Dialogs.lvlib:New session window.vi. Disk space is too low (< 100 MB). MediCollector will shut down." 337: Philips There is a known limitation that caused a Philips Intellivue device to fire an ACCESS DENIED error when a client attempt to query waveforms when another client is connected and retrieveing waveforms. This is a known manufacturer limitation. Philips only allows one client to request waveforms. In previous versions of MediCollector, if this hapenned an error would appear and the user would be unable to continue. Now the suer will be informed about this issue and be allowed to continue with just recording numerics. 338: Philips Connecting to a Philips Intellivue Series patient monitor will now go a bit quicker. 339: GE S/5 Fixed a bug which would sometimes cause the software to throw a checksum error (5317) the first time it attempts to connect to a GE device. ================================================== v1.1.35 18-APR-2022 340: Service Added ability to change the startup type of the service (eg manual, automatic) from within MediCollector 341: Streaming Background architectual changes in preparation for upcoming new products and features (e.g. MediCollector CENTRAL and HL7 FHIR) 342: LiveMetric Updated driver for LiveMetric 2.0 BLE 343: General Tested on Win11 ================================================== v1.1.36 09-Sep-2022 344: General Added a new NI-DAQmx device driver. 345: General Updated code signing certificate and switched to new Certificate Authority (DigiCert). Users should not notice this change. 346: BEDSIDE Improved the "Instant Annotation" functionality such that users can configure multiple annotations which can be added at the click of a button. Now accessable under ANNOTATIONS in the main menu. ================================================== v1.1.37 13-Mar-2023 347: General MediCollector products now support the HL7 FHIR protocol for streaming live data out to external systems (via RESTful API), including both numerics and waveforms. This applies to the BEDSIDE and SERVICE versions of our product. 348: SERVICE Fixed a bug in the MediCollector Service Manager that could cause it fail to show a list of datafiles (.medi files) in the Data Files tab. 349: GE S/5 Fixed a bug in the GE S/5 driver that could (albiet rarely) cause MediCollector to fail to retrieve a list of available signals. ================================================== v1.1.38 13-June-2023 347: Licensing Various small improvements to licensing system. This will not functionally affect any users. 348: NI-DAQmx Fixed bugs related to how data is loaded/viewed/exported from .medi files that were recorded using an NI-DAQmx device driver. These bugs would cause data to be displayed/exported with wrong timestamps due to a rounding error. Fixed. ================================================== v1.2.0 1-Jan-2024 349 GENERAL Internal release for testing purposes ================================================== v1.2.1 03-Jan-2024 350: Licensing Major changes to licensing system. As of today, all new licenses are sold as subscriptions and can be activated over the Internet. No more dongles. This version v1.2 is the first to support subscriptions and activation over the Internet. Existing license holders and all dongles will continue to function and be supported (no changes). 351: BEDSIDE MediCollector BEDSIDE will now remember its window size when relaunching. 352: EXPORT When exporting data, it will now auto-generate a filename based on the original .medi filename (instead of exporting to a fixed filename called "signals.txt") 353: EXPORT When exporting from a multi-day recording from .medi to .txt, users can now choose to split files across days (one exported file per day) ================================================== v1.2.2 08-Jan-2024 354: Licensing Minor changes to licensing routines 355: Licensing Licensing DLLs updated to v5.22.4 356: GENERAL Bug fixed which made it impossible to scroll through data in a .medi file. This bug was only present in previous version (v1.2.1). Fixed. ================================================== v1.2.3 25-Jan-2024 357: Licensing Licensing DLLs updated to v5.23.4.1 358: GUI Fixed a bug that could sometimes cause signals to get displayed incorrectly on-screen. This bug would sometimes cause signals to become mis-aligned with each other when shown on-screen. It was caused by a bug in how the signals was downsampled before dsiplaying on-screen. Fixed. 359: GUI Performance improvements to make the user-interface more responsive when viewing large datafiles and lots of data on-screen. User interface will experience less "lag". ================================================== v1.2.4 15-Feb-2024 360: General Fixed a bug which caused "Error 1. An input parameter is invalid." on fresh installations of v1.2.3. Problem only ocurrs on fresh installations and only the first time you run the software. Subsequent launches of the software would not show the error again. Fixed. ================================================== v1.2.5 15-Mar-2024 361: CENTRAL MediCollector CENTRAL released ================================================== v1.2.6 18-Mar-2024 362: CENTRAL Users can now configure Lantronix devices even when using the evaluation version. Previously, it was required to have an active subscription for this. ================================================== v1.2.7 26-Mar-2024 363: CENTRAL Fixed various small bugs. ================================================== v1.2.8 26-Mar-2024 364: CENTRAL Fixed a bug that would cause error message "EXT PORT INFO NOT FOUND" to appear when configuring a remote device. ================================================== v1.2.9 12-June-2024 365: PHILIPS The process of querying a Philips patient monitor for its list of avaiable signals has been improved. Now it will properly show ALL available ECG signals instead of a seemingly random selection of only three ECG signals. Now all ecg signals are available in the list. 366: CENTRAL Central will no longer stream out packets of data that are invalid (NaN), because there is no point in sending lots of "empty" data packets. This change will save bandwidth and performance. This change will only affect the streaming of data out to external systems (via TCP/HL7/FHIR) and does not affect the recording of data. 367: GUI Various improvements and bug fixes to the user interface when viewing a previously recorded datafile. The application will react better to window resizing and zooming in and out of data. And annotations will accurately display on-screen. 368: GUI Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause annotation markers to NOT get displayed on-screen when viewing a previously recorded datafile. ================================================== v1.2.10 19-Nov-2024 369: Export Added a BULK EXPORT application. This is a separate and free utility you can download from our website for exporting from multiple .medi datafiles simultaneously. 370: Licensing Fixed a bug which could sometimes cause a legitimately licensed computer to show an "invalid license" error. This was caused by overly strict license checking routines. Fixed. 371: Licensing When recording simulated data from the Simulated Device, users would previously sometimes get an error when exporting from the file indicating they can only export 10 seconds of data. Fixed. 372: Licensing When opening a recorded datafile in a different time zone, users sometimes had trouble exporting more than 10 seconds of data because our software would mistakenly identify the file as recorded in evaluation mode. Fixed. ================================================== v1.2.11 14-Jan-2024 370: General Occasionally an error 2507 could get triggered when editing or deleting an annotation. We have fixed this bug. And in addition, we added better error handling so that if it ever pops up again, it will only fire a warning now, and won't cause recording to stop. 371: Installer Our installers would occasionally trigger the computer to restart automatically and without warning to the user. This is bad form. A warning should always be triggered asking for permission. This is fixed.